
Here I list all the Flash Cartoons I have created.

Crazy Calvin: Racing To The Pizza Butt (Game)

My first attempt at making a Flash Game, and I vow never to do it again. As you can see the drawings are a bit crap but tha was only cos it's my first animation. You play as Calvin (in the red car). Move him with the arrow keys. The other guys are controlled by the computer. I shut up now.

Play my piece of crap!

Re-Doing Calvin's Do (Game)

My second Flash Game, and it's only say, 15% better than the first. Again a rubbish attempt at making a gae with crappy drawings. Just click and drag hair and accessories onto Calvin's head. Too easy. From that point on, I swore I would never, ever make a game again... at leaast until my drawings got better.

Play and suffer


After 2 unsuccessful games, I decided to make several cartoons with Flash. The first is this one, with me stating the obvious: "If a chili is called a chili, then why is it SO FRIGGEN HOT?!" Bit humourous but might get annoying since it plays over and over and over and o... you get the idea. But at least my drawings improved on this one.


Coca-Cola Ad

My latest and greatest Flash Cartoon so far. Basically it's an ad for...oh, you tell me!

Clicky Here!!!!